After provisional tightening by an air motor at high speed, final torque set is performed manually.
Application - For assembly and mass production lines.
Features - The two processes of the traditional impact wrench and torque wrench are executed by one process.
- Combination of high speed provisional tightening by air motor and high precision by manual torque wrench.
- Easy torque adjustment with graduation.
- Accuracy check by torque wrench tester.
- LS-type has an added feature of a limit switch that detects missed tightening by connecting to CNA-4mk2 count checker.
- Applicable to use in the EU region. Comply with calibration procedures of ISO6789 Type II Class A.
Specifications - AC-type: high provisional torque.
- Specific capacity of the limit switch: AC100V, DC30V, below 1A.
- Please use an impact socket.